Main features:
Stereogram Explorer is user-friendly design software for creating high-quality hidden 3D graphics, also known as Single Image Random Dot Stereograms (SIRDS) or Single Image Stereograms (SIS) known from the "Magic Eye" series. Stereogram Explorer uses advanced algorithms and can render.
Stereogram Explorer is user-friendly design software for creating high-quality hidden 3D graphics, also known as Single Image Random Dot Stereograms (SIRDS) or Single Image Stereograms (SIS) known from the "Magic Eye" series. Stereogram Explorer uses advanced algorithms and can render.
- User-friendly interface
- Random dot stereograms (SIRDS)
- Pattern or textured stereograms (SIS)
- Support for many file types including GIFs, JPEGs, PICTs, and BMPs
- Import 3DS (3D Studio) models
- Export depthmaps from 3D scene Autocalculated depth coeficient for loaded 3D models .